Site credits

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Portrait of Natasha Lahey. Photo: Tim Cooper.

Thank you for visiting the Citizen Tasmania website!

This website is proudly handcrafted in Tasmania for Citizen Tasmania Inc (ABN 19 375 684 045).

The identity and visual design is by Gordon Harrison-Williams.

The website development is by Webmistress.

The online portal and registration forms are by Getbusi.

Photographs are by various people including Tim Cooper, Jacob Collings, Ilona Schneider, Mick Lowenstein, Gordon Harrison-Williams, Syed Shaqil Jahangir, Sharifah Emalia Al-Gadrie, Nina Hamilton, and John Jarvela.

The content and videos are developed by Citizen Tasmania.

All aspects of this website and related materials are protected by the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and may not be repurposed, copied, or published elsewhere without permission from the respective creator.